Secure data storage and service automation for cyber physical production systems through distributed ledger technologies


ABSTRACT In a glo­bal sales mar­ket with net­work­ed pro­duc­tion steps and incre­asing com­plex machi­ne tools, sca­ling ser­vice eco­sys­tems for pro­duc­tion pro­vi­de an ade­qua­te solu­ti­on for hand­ling the gene­ra­ted data. The exis­ting sen­sor equip­ment at cur­rent and the exten­si­on pos­si­bi­li­ty by the Sys­tem-of-Sys­tems approach for exis­ting machi­ne tools can offer value-added ser­vices by the smart hand­ling of pro­duc­tion-rela­ted data. It is important to make the­se data vali­data­ble and exch­an­geable, taking into account to dif­fe­rent pro­tec­tion goals. The trust of the indi­vi­du­al actors in such a vola­ti­le value chain and the dif­fe­rent (part­ly cross-bor­der) value crea­ti­on part­ners play an important role. The par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of a lar­ge num­ber of the­se actors crea­tes an attrac­ti­ve over­all sys­tem (eco­sys­tem) with lots of ser­vices and net­work effects. Con­cer­ning data secu­ri­ty the­re are num­e­rous aspects, which have not been ade­qua­te­ly ans­we­red or taken into account in the use of a ser­vice eco­sys­tem in the pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment. The paper dis­cus­ses a dis­tri­bu­ted eco­sys­tem for pro­duc­tion on a dis­tri­bu­ted led­ger-based ser­vice eco­sys­tem, in which ser­vices can be map­ped in the machi­ne tool envi­ron­ment (e.g. cali­bra­ti­on). This tech­no­lo­gy can be used for secu­re data exch­an­ge in order to dis­cuss tracea­bi­li­ty and unch­an­gea­bi­li­ty of data while main­tai­ning data sovereignty.
